
I'm so glad you enjoy my blog enough to want to find me on other social media or whatever.


I'm a rather avid Pinner, and if you like to write, I have mass amounts of inspiration boards to pull ideas from. Also, if you like to laugh, I have a funny board that even I don't have delved into the depths of in recent days.

Considering this is a review blog, it might be nice for you to see what I'm reading, and going to read. I've found so many interesting sounding books through Goodreads, it's ridiculous.

Fun fact: I really love languages. Hence the Duo link, as I'm using Duo to learn French right now (and Mango Languages to learn Scottish Gaelic). Lemme know if you're a fellow language enthusiast, and what language(s) you're learning!

Hey, look at me being all artsy and posting pictures. Okay not really. I don't post all that often on Instagram, but feel free to follow me if you want my occasional pictures to pop up in your feed. Fifty percent of my pictures are horse related.

Yes I have YouTube, but lets not get too excited here. I haven't posted in forever, and have no idea when I plan to again. But in the meantime, enjoy my beginning attempts at composition. It. Is. Hard.

Because I'm a writer, and a four time champion of NaNoWriMo, I figured this'd be a good link to include. And lets face it, my bio will never be as good as the one here.

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