Sunday, January 22, 2017

365 Photography Challenge || Week Three

// Sunday //

"I don't know what to photograph, ooo a wall that'll do"

// Monday //

NOOOOOO. I missed a day HOW COULD I? I knew this would probably happen. I feel horrible, it's not going to be a perfect 365. And yet, now if I miss a few more days in between, I hopefully won't feel as bad. Dang it.

// Tuesday //

My ever present struggles to clean my room. So. Much. Stuff. I'm tryna purge, but some things I'm just not sure about. I don't really want it, but I don't really wanna get rid of it, feel?

// Wednesday //

One of the many books I am currently reading: A Lifelong Passion. To all history and/or Romanov lovers IT'S SO GOOD

#bookselfie also first selfie of the year. Tis not the best photo, but I had to show my excitement for THIS BOOK that I actually haven't even read yet. Ya should'a seen me in the bookstore when I found it #gem

Ma dancin' shoes at an interesting angle. I dunno, somethin' came over me and when it finished this was here and I thought "I dunno, maybe if I keep this up actual art will happen"

// Thursday //

I directed my first film ever and I had THREE ENTIRE PAPERS to keep myself on track.

// Friday //

A random photo from film prep.

// Saturday //

Chilling before filming, day two.

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